[행복연구센터][행복] Within-Person Day-of-Week Effects on Affective and Evaluative/Cognitive Well-Being Among Koreans. Emotion. Advance online publication.


Within-Person Day-of-Week Effects on Affective and Evaluative/Cognitive Well-Being Among Koreans. Emotion. Advance online publication.

Hye Won Suk1, Eunsoo Choi2, Jinkyung Na1, Jongan Choi3, and Incheol Choi4,5

1 Department of Psychology, Sogang University

2 Department of Psychology, Korea University

3 Department of Psychology, Kangwon National University

4 Department of Psychology, Seoul National University

5 Center for Happiness Studies, Seoul National University

Day-of-week (DOW) effects such as “blue Monday,” “Thank God it’s Friday” (TGIF), and weekendeffects have mostly been investigated using a cross-sectional approach with Western samples and focusing on hedonic aspects of well-being. Using large-scale data (N  859,749) containing multiple observations per person collected from Koreans, we examined various patterns of DOW effects on comprehensive measures of well-being. Unlike previous studies, we examined DOW effects at the within-person level. Blue Monday and TGIF effects were evident across affective and evaluative/cognitive aspects of well-being, and the Thursday nadir phenomenon was also found. The DOW effects were consistent for the affective well-being, whereas no weekend effects were observed for the cognitive aspects, including life satisfaction and meaning in life. The DOW effects were moderated by gender and age groups, with younger people tending to experience more salient DOW effects and women identifying fewer benefits from DOW effects.

Keywords: day-of-week, hedonic well-being, eudaimonic well-being, non-WEIRD sample Supplemental materials: https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000930.supp

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